Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Decisions on Presentiontation and Layout

We had a floor plan where our tutors have allocated us all an area in the exhibition, were we are going to display and exhibit our exhibition. I am really happy with the place I was allocate as its an open bay, which I find makes it welcoming to the viewer. Also easy access to plugs to use to lights which will emphasis my work and present it better by casting shadows on the wall.
From the bundle of

As the piece is a very delicate and flexible it just looks good lying freely on a plinth, but it also looses its qualities. We tried also propping it up with the legs against the wall with lights on it also lost its shape as its not a stable or structured material, but this is a very quality which we need to take advantage of. So as myself and my tutors all discussed this together it wasn't showing its greatest potential. So we decided to try out other way we could display it like hanging it freely or off the board.

I really wasn't keen on this way, it was a sloppy way of presenting it. Also it looks like its been just dumped there and not much thought and appreciate my work enough to care how its presented.

This isn't showing the best potential of work, also the red filter on the light (which is borrowed from media) takes its intricate, veiny and self qualities away from it. That it works well in its natural colour like human skin, so went for a plain light and carried on playing around with the presentation.

Before this my initial idea was to hang in freely central in my corner space hanging from a piece of wood above with string or invisible wire. I wanted to produce a channel 4 logo effect with my work with the different pieces which I had produced and staggering them at different angles and stages. As we tried to lift the body piece, after tying it with invisible wire in several places to the piece above. Either the string or the glue broke from the weight when Kim(my tutor) even attempted to lift it.
From this we originally got our idea of hanging it leaning next to the wall as I temporary placed it on a metal tripod to keep it save. Several people as they walked past commented on how well it hung just sitting on it and it naturally just slowly found its own way to hang. We found this as a substitute but its too fine and kept poking through and the body hell down the pole but that was an idea of that we could find something similar to this and that's more appealing to viewers.

As we tried out the lighting and which angle was the best to show this shadowing other wall when the light was shone on it.

As you an see were the light is central on the edge comes up with really  good shadowing but as it reaches the double thicknesses it looses the shadowing but this didn't really matter, as long as we had some good quality shadowing was the main thing.
the next idea was to use a skeleton which was just laying around to cloth with my glue pieces, but as they tried placing it on it wasn't as easy as they thought and it began to tear at the sides as the arms had metal rods poking out which they were joint on it. We could have removed the arms but before we jumped in to it, we discussed that putting the body on the skeleton. It was giving it back the qualities which I had taken away so the skeleton was pointless.

This is what it would look kind of it was put on top but I wasn't too keen anyway so we changed and found a new way to present it.

This was another possible idea we had for it to be facing the wall as it originally was stored on whilst making my other pieces, which many people liked.

Before We fully decided we was working out and playing around with either putting a bar through the arms to hold the majority of the weight so we don't have any accidents on the night or if we could get away with a white hanger. As you looked at the piece you could see the hanger but it wasn't a massive problem we just didn't have anything strong enough to hold up for the length of time it needs to be up.
We had finally decided to put all the pieces separate on the opposite walls with lights on each piece by a dowel. So my good friend Toby helped us to fit them. Jamie was on the inside on ladders drilling through then toby could reach to place the dowel on it. The first time the dowel split all the way down so we got a new one, but this time we make a grove in the dowel first so that the screw had a path to follow when drilling it through.

This is a photograph from through the middle of the boards to show you the process it was very successful and hopefully it nothing went wrong with this as it could hold the weight much easier.

We had placed the legs and face but we had to decide whether we were going to use the dowel  or the coat hanger and either to have to out from the wall like this or flat against the wall shown on the image below.

I thought it has more of an effect coming out of the wall.
I was showing the others and tutors the two others ways before we fixed the dowel on. I preferred it like this and so did they so we went for it.
My final position.

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